General VA info

VA OR scheduler:

Kyra-(504) 401-5316

Sliding Sclale Insuline (SSI) - Add new orders > inpatient meds > diabeteic meds

To put in implat reuest for fiducial markers:


CPRS tip:

To continue the requested medicaton for inpatient use please follow the steps below:

Highlight Medication on the outpatient medicaiton list -> Action (tool bar) -> Transfer to inpatient

PRS hot keys 

CRTL +  

P- problem list, M- meds, O- orders, N- notes, T-consults, S- surgery, D-d/c summ, L-labs, R-reports  


JPSR reporting (VA version of “B-safe”) 

CAC / PKE Selection Page ( 


Before starting: 


Door Codes: 

VA Inpatient 

VA Clinic 

Patients that need to be seen in clinic will show up in Vetlink Kiosk 

Setting Up VetLink Kiosk 

For reference, the below is each attending’s clinic (important for Return to Clinic orders): 


Accessing Imaging 



OR schedule online 


Checking who’s on call 



  • You are expected to follow up on lab results yourself and call back patients 

  • Urine culture, cytology, etc., you will not receive a notification in your inbox 


Calling Patients 

  • Whenever calling a patient, document this in the chart 

  • New note -> Urology secure messaging 

  • For Historical visit, select the most recent NOL GU visit 

  • Include a statement that identity of patient was verified 


For VA remote access issues do the following on a personal device:

go to:
Click the Va certificate chain fix. Save as to downloads and run the file. This will fix the issue.

For mac users you will have to contact the enterprise service desk at 855-673-4357 for a workaround.