Hellstrom Circumcision Dictation Template

Pre-op Dx: balanitis
Post-op Dx: same
Procedure: circumcision
Surgeon: Wayne Hellstrom, MD
Assistant(s): Hoang Minh Tue Nguyen, MD
Anesthesia: LMA
Indications for Procedure:
yo WM referred to Urology for balanitis. He has been dealing with recurrences
for years. He is usually treated with a topical medication but is ready for a
circumcision. Not a diabetic, not on anticoagulation therapy. After poor results
with medical management via topical steroids and
antifungals, the patient elected to proceed with a circumcision. The risks and
benefits of surgery were discussed with the patient prior to signing an informed
Operation in Detail:
The patient was seen in the preoperative unit and informed consent was obtained.
He was taken to the OR and placed in a supine position on the OR table. After a
smooth and uneventful induction of anesthesia, the patient was prepped and
draped in a sterile fashion.
A WHO timeout was performed and all were in agreement.
We began by using kocher clamps at the 12 o'clock position of the prepuce and
clamped a few times. We then repeated the same procedure at the 6 o'clock, 9
o'clock, and 3 o'clock position.
We used a curved mayo to excise the excess skin along the clamped kocher. The
specimen was then passed off and sent for pathology.
Hemostasis was achieved with bovie electrocautery. Once
hemostasis was achieved, we reapproximated the penile skin using 3-0 monocryl
suture in an interrupted fashion.
The skin was then covered with dermabond. The penis was wrapped with a cling
dressing and a coban.
The patient was then awoken from anesthesia and taken to the PACU in good
Dr. Wayne Hellstrom was scrubbed and present for the entirety of the
Findings: balanitis
EBL: minimal
Implants: none
Specimens: foreskin
Drain: none
Complications: none