Forms for sexual dysfunction, AUAss for BPH, Fertility/reproductive history
Ideally would scan into chart
Ideally filled out prior to seeing physician
Breakdown the assessments/plan
Forms- history, validated questionnaires, post treatment
Goal is to have plan before going into room
Document accurate physical exam
Breakdown the assessments/plan
Don’t need to call about everything!
Ex: Don’t need to call about routine foleys
Do call about questions about how to manage patients, problems, conflicts
Do call about Admissions, post ops, things that need to go to OR
Do call Jenkins: implants post ops
Do call Chesrow: female post ops
Talk through thought process of decisions
Jenkins Implants: Hgb < 9.5
Chesrow implants: Hgb < 9
Female Sling patients: Nicotine free 8 weeks before & after, estrogen for vaginal tissue, HgbA1c
vaginal pH<5 to check use of estrogen
Chesrow is fine with general cases; prefers not PCNLs, ball pain
Chesrow is fine with Junior only in general cases
Jenkins likes to be hand off in general cases
Talking through cases beforehand
Skills trainers
“Interesting cases”
What do residents want?
Basic training before the end of the year?