How to order certain things
Specialty clinic
Urology outpatient menu
Community care urology
Booking an OR case
☑ Verify cardiac history and blood thinners
☑ Verify ride to and from
☑ Urine culture
- All cases involving the lower urinary tract require ucx (including partial Nx)
- Cases that don’t include circ, radical nephrectomy, scrotal cases
☑ Consent (optional)
☑ Pre-op CBC and CMP
☑ COVID test 2 days prior
☑ Anesthesia pre-op e-consult
For “DNR/DNI?” always put No
☑ Surgery OR request
☑ Pre-op clinic request
☑ Place patient’s name, last 4, surgery as all day in calendar
☑ Fill out spreadsheet
Scheduling RTC
If outpatient, select Return to Clinic under Orders
If inpatient, select Hospital Orders -> Nol specialty clinic -> Return to clinic
NOL GU and then whichever follow up is needed
Select date of follow up
Select Face to Face
Select May Overbook if for post-op follow up
Inter facility consults -> Houston -> Genomics Telehealth
Typically can be done through infusion center but also can be done outside, see sheet below
Entering and order for consultation of utsie images
ON the Orders tab in CPRS pleas select Radiology Exam Menu
Enter the ordering provider information
At the Radiology Quick Order Menu select GENERAL RADIOLOGY
Scroll to the bottom of the screen and SELECT BLANK FORM
You can then select he appropriate modality for the images that you would like to have uploaded (CT, US, MRI, etc.)
CONSULTATION OF OUTSIDE IMAGES is an exam option that cna be selected for all imaging modalities.
Reason for Request:
Scheduled Procedure Date: May 20,2024
Date items needed at the facility: May 16,2024
Vendor name and contact info: Teleflex
Reference #:UL2-CHK:QTY
UL2-C: QTY 2
Size: TBD
Quantity: See above
Waiver authorized by COS for Open Market items.
Waiver submited to Prosthetics: N/A
Outpatient Transfusions (OPAT)
Michelle M. Guidry, MD, FHM
Section Chief of Hospital Medicine
Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System
Associate Professor of Medicine
Tulane University School of Medicine
2400 Canal Street
Attn: Medicine, 3H-150
New Orleans, LA 70119
Office: (504) 507-2000, ext. 66037
Cell: (504) 237-4013