UMC Plication Operative note

PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Peyronie's Disease POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Same PROCEDURES PERFORMED: Injection for Peyronie's Disease (54200) Penile plication (54360) SURGEON: *** ,MD ASSISTANT: ***, MD ANESTHESIA: General. SPECIMENS: None. ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: Minimal. COMPLICATIONS: None. CONDITION: Stable. FINDINGS: *** INDICATIONS FOR SURGERY @AGE@ yoM with stable phase Peyronie's Disease. After extensive discussion of risks, benefits and alternatives he wished to proceed with penile plication. OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE Informed consent was obtained. The patient's identity was confirmed in the pre-operative holding area, and he was brought back to the operating room by anesthesia. He was sedated and intubated. IV antibiotics were administered prior to incision. Papaverine *** mcg was administered intracavernosally. He was clipped, prepped and draped in the standard sterile fashion. The erect penis was examined. Findings are as noted above. *** incision was made. Dissection was carried through Dartos fascia until Buck's fascia was exposed. The point of maximal curvature was demarcated. We then placed a total of *** 8-dot plication sutures using 2-0 Vicryl and burying the knot. The penis was examined and was *** straight. Buck's fascia and Dartos were closed with Vicryl. Skin was closed in an interrupted fashion. The incision was covered with Telfa, and a mildly compressive Kling dressing was applied. He was awoken from anesthesia and transferred to the PACU without difficulty. The procedure was tolerated well, with no complications