Date of service: *** Preoperative diagnosis: Penile Abscess Postoperative diagnosis: Same Procedure(s) performed: Incision and drainage + debridement of penile abscess Staff: Dr. *** Resident assistant: Christopher Koller MD COMPLICATIONS: None. DRAINS: None. ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: Minimal. INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: *** DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: The patient was placed on the operating room table in the supine position. General anesthesia was administered. The genitalia were prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A world health organization time out performed and he was confirmed to have received his preoperative antibiotics. The dorsal penis was noted to have a 4 cm abscess. When compressed it expressed pus. We began by making vertical incision into abscess, we deepened the incision and the abscess was opened completely. The pus was sampled and sent for culture. We used a Metzenbaum scissors to bluntly dissect and explore the abscess. We noted necrotic skin and that the abscess tracked along the dorsum of the penis more proximally 3 cm, but did not track all the way to base of penis or to pubic bone or inguinally. We used the metzenbaum scissors to remove all necrotic tissue and adherent purulent material. We explored the wound with a finger to ensure there were no loculations that were unopened. We irrigated the wound with bacitracin irrigation. We packed the incision with 1/4 inch Iodoform gauze. We placed 3 3-0 monocryl simple sutures along the incision to allow for reapproximation to heal by primary intent. 20cc of 1/4% Marcaine and 1% lidocaine mix were instilled into the penis in a ring block and dorsal block. The penis was wrapped with a Kling wrap. Sponge and needle counts were correct x2. The patient was returned to the recovery room in satisfactory condition. Attending attestation: Dr. *** was present and available for the entire procedure. Disposition: The patient will be allowed to convalesce in their post anesthesia recovery area, they will be transferred to his inpatient room.