Pre-Op Diagnosis: {Blank single:19197:: "Left", "Right"} spermatocele Post-Op Diagnosis: Same Procedures: {Blank single:19197:: "Left", "Right"} spermatocelectomy Primary Surgeon: *** MD Assistants: ***, MD Findings: *** Anesthesia: General EBL: Minimal Specimens: {Blank single:19197:: "Left", "Right"} epididymal cyst and partial epididymis Drains: None Complications: None Disposition: PACU Condition: Stable INDICATION FOR PROCEDURE: @NAME@ is a @AGE@ male with a symptomatic spermatocele. He was made aware of the risks of the procedure, including but not limited to bleeding, infection, damage to surrounding nerves, vessels, organs, testicular artery injury, testicular atrophy, infertility, recurrence, need for epididymectomy, and need for additional surgery. The patient understood these risks and gave informed consent to proceed. DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: Once informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the operating room and placed in a supine position. A preoperative time-out was performed to confirm the patient's identity as well as the procedure to be performed and the side of the procedure. The site of the procedure was marked prior to the operation. Preoperative antibiotics were administered. The patient's scrotum was clipped and then prepped and draped in the standard sterile fashion with Chloraprep. A hemiscrotal transverse incision was delineated using a marking pen. A #15-blade was then used to incise along the scrotal incision and electrocautery was used to carry the incision down through the dartos fascia. This allowed delivery of the hemiscrotal contents with the tunica vaginalis intact. A multiloculated spermatocele was identified extending up from the superioposterior portion of the testis. We used a small Jacobson and electrocautery to free the adhesive bands connecting the spermatocele and cord contents with care to ensure the testicular vasculature and vas deferens were uninjured. The head of the epididymis was densely adherent to the spermatocele. The mid portion of the epididymis was clamped and electrocautery was used to come across the mid portion of the epididymis including the cyst. A 5-0 chromic was used to ensure hemostasis and close the epididymis. Hemostasis was excellent. Electrocautery was then used on the Dartos fascia for additional hemostasis. The testis was then replaced within the hemiscrotum in its normal anatomic position. We carefully inspected to ensure that the spermatic cord contents and testicle were in their normal anatomic position. We then closed the dartos layer of scrotum with a running #3-0 Chromic suture and closed the skin with a running horizontal mattress #3-0 Chromic suture. The patient was cleaned and dried. Bacitracin fluffs and scrotal support were used as a dressing. The patient tolerated the procedure well without complications. Teaching surgeon attestation: Dr. *** was present and scrubbed for the entire procedure.