TURP Operative Note Preoperative Diagnosis: @PRINCIPALPROBLEM@ Postoperative Diagnosis: Same Procedure(s) Performed: 1. *** Surgeons: @ORSURGPANEL@ Anesthesia: @ORANESSTAFF@ {pganesthesia:32268} Indications for Surgery: *** Operative Findings: *** Procedure Details: The patient was correctly identified in the preoperative holding area where written informed consent as well potential risks and complications were reviewed. The patient was brought back to the operative suite where a preinduction timeout was performed. After correct information was verified, {pganesthesia:32269:o} was induced via {pganesthesia:32268:o}. The patient was then placed in {pgpositioning:32272:o} position. Sequential compression devices were placed for VTE prophylaxis. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion and appropriate periprocedural antibiotics were administered. A second timeout was performed. We began with a 22 French rigid cystoscope. We performed pan cystourethroscopy with findings as above. We switched to a 26 French resectoscope with Iglesias working element and bipolar electrocautery {Blank single:19197:: "loop", "button", "***"}. We proceeded to perform resection of {Blank multiple:19196:: "right lateral lobe", "and left lateral lobe", "and median lobe"}, paying careful attention to remain clear of his bilateral ureteral orifices, which were {Blank single:19197:: "clearly identified", "not clearly identified ***"}. We resected to a depth of stroma just superficial to prostatic capsule, obtaining satisfactory hemostasis along the way using bipolar electrocautery. We paid careful attention to limit our resection distally to within the verumontanum to avoid involving the extrinsic sphincter within our resection. Prostatic tissue chips were evacuated using {Blank multiple:19196::"Toomey syringe", "Ellik evacuator", "bladder filling and evacuation"} and sent for Pathology analysis. Once we felt satisfied with our resection, we withdrew our scope to the verumontanum. Here we were able to appreciate a satisfactory urine channel with direct visualization of his posterior bladder wall. We again ensured strict hemostasis throughout our resected areas with our irrigation turned off. We rechecked bilateral ureteral orifices which were uninvolved with our resection. Leaving the patient's bladder full, we removed all instrumentation and inserted a *** French {Blank single:19197:: "3-way", "2 way"} Foley catheter with *** mL water in the balloon and placed this to drainage. We attached catheter to CBI, but left it off as his urine was draining clear. We placed foley to moderate traction to be removed in 4 hours post operatively. He was awoken from anesthesia and taken to recovery area. Estimated Blood Loss: Minimal*** Drains: None Total IV Fluids: See anesthesia record Specimens: none Implants: @ORIMPLANT3@ Complications: None Disposition: {Op note disposition:31782} Condition: {stable/unstable:60080} Post-Op Plan/Instructions: 1. ***